Online Credit Application
LR Auto Sales is a Buy Here Pay Here dealership that offers affordable financing to people with credit challenges, bad credit, or no credit.
What is your information?
Place of Residence
¿Usted alquila o es dueño de su casa?
¿Usted se ha declarado/a en bancarrota en los últimos tres años?
¿Usted ha consultado/a un abogado en los últimos 3 meses; sobre bancarrota?
¿Ha tenido un automóvil recuperado o entregado voluntariamente en los últimos 3 años?
¿Tiene usted o un familiar una cuenta con nosotros?
Ok, a few more questions please.
Algunas preguntas más
¿Tienes otro vehículo?
Work Information/ Información Laboral
Current Job status? / Cuanto tiempo llevas en tu trabajo?
You may complete the boxes below if you have another job or other income to report.
Alimony, child support or other separate income need not be revealed if you do not wish to have this income considered as a basis for repaying this loan obligation.
Monthly Payments

References- Relatives/ Parientes

Las 8 referencias DEBEN completarse para finalizar la solicitud

References - Friends/ Amigos

Almost Done!
I understand that by signing this Loan Application I hereby permit LR Auto Sales, Inc. to access my EquiFax Credit Report. I understand the purpose is to verify my identity and the ultimate decision of the finance company is subject to a number of factors. LR Auto Sales, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, religious affiliation, mental or physical ability, veteran status, military obligation(s), or national origin.
Al yo firmar ésta aplicación de préstamo estoy autorizando a LR Auto Sales, Inc. de acceder mi Reporte de Crédito con Equifax. Entiendo que el motivo es para verificar mi identidad y la decisión final de la compañía financiera está sujeta a un número considerable de factores. LR Auto Sales, Inc. no discrimina base a edad, género, raza, religión, afilación, descapacidad mental o física, estadía de veterano, obligaciones militares, o su origen de nacionalidad.
I agree to the Privacy Notice, Terms and Conditions and I acknowledge I may be contacted by LR Auto Sales via phone, email, sms, text or voicemail. You can opt-out at any time reply STOP via text. I understand that I might not qualify depending on the prequalification criteria.

I agree to receive text messages, calls and emails from the business and agree to the terms and conditions. Acepto ser contactado.

This information is accurate to the best of my knowledge.